Patent Attorney
Trademark Department
Professional field
Studied at the University of Edinburgh, U.K. (1994-1995)
B.A. in Arts and Sciences, Tsuda University (1996)
Minori Patent Office in Kyoto (1998-2002)
Registered as Patent Attorney (2003)
Asamura Patent Office (2003-2012)
Registered as Specific Infringement Litigation Counsel (2005)
Joined Takino, Kawasaki & Associates (2012-)
Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA)
- Unfair Competition Prevention Law Committee Member (FY 2012-2013)
- Trademark Committee Member (FY2013)
- Vice Chair of the Trademark Committee (FY2014)
- International Activities Center, Center Member (FY2015-)
Japan Trademark Association
- Vice Chair, International Activities Committee (2014-2021)
- Vice Chair of the Court Decision Study Group (2018-)
- Chair, International Activities Committee (2021-)
Attended the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and
Geographical Indications (SCT) in Geneva on behalf of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association
(2013, 2017)
Attended the WIPO Working Group on the Legal Deployment of the Madrid System in Geneva
on behalf of the Japan Trademark Association (2014, 2015) or the Japan Patent Attorneys
Association (2016, 2018, 2019)
Attended the 6th Meeting of Five Trademark Offices (TM5) at Alicante, Spain on behalf of the
Japanese Trademark Association (2017)
Member of the Advisory Committee for the Annual Project for Comparative Study and Research on
Industrial Property Rights Systems in Different Countries (Study Report on Division and Merger of
International Registrations under the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the
International Registration of Marks), (AIPPI JAPAN) (FY 2019)
Attended Annual Meetings of the International Trademark Association (INTA) in San Francisco
(2011), Dallas (2013), Hong Kong (2014), San Diego (2015), Orlando (2016), Barcelona (2017),
Seattle (2018), and Boston (2019)