
Masayoshi SUMIDA

Attorney at Law, Patent Attorney

Legal Department│Counsel

Professional field

Intellectual Property Law, Fashion Law, Content Law, Food Law


1979: Completed Doctoral course at Graduate School of Law of the Komazawa University

1994-1996: Studied at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition, and Tax Law in Munich, Germany

1999-2016: Professor of Tokai University Law School (IP Law, Fashion Law)

2007: Registered as Attorney at Law (Takino, Kawasaki & Associates)

2015-2016: Dean of Tokai University Law School

2016: Director of JASRAC (Japanese Society for Rights of

Authors, Composers and Publishers)

2016-2019: Executive Director of Tokai University Social Science Research Institute

2019: Professor, Director of Tokai University IP Law of Social Science Research Institute

2020: Registered as Patent Attorney


Daini Tokyo Bar Association (2007)

The Japan Federation of Bar Associations (2007)

Japan Patent Attorneys Association (2020)


Japan Association of Industrial Property Law

Japan Copyright Academy

Main Books

Intellectual Property Law (9th edition), by Yuhikaku(2020)  

Intellectual Property Right Laws with Court Precedents, Sanseido(Every year)

Fashion Law, Keiso Shobo(2017) 

Patent Infringement World Wide, Carl Heymann(2009, Germany)

Textbook of Intellectual Property Education, Japan Institute of Invention

Main Articles

“The Karaoke Theory and Exhaustion of Performance Right” AIPPI(2021)

“Indirect Infringement Liability for Website Blockign”Journal of Intellectual Property Association of

Japan (2020)

“Can the Make-Up and Hair-Style of Fashion Models, Fashion Design, Cat-Walking and Fashion

Shows be protected by Copyright and Neighboring Right? ”AIPPI Journal (2014)

“Zur Indirekten Markenverletzung”Festschrift zum 70 von Prof.Karl Beier(1996)

“The Indirect Infringement of Copyright”Patent Studies (1993)

“Die mittelbare Patentverletzung”Annual of Industrial Property Law (1900)

Main Lectures

National Institute of Justice (2003)

National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training, Japan Patent Office (2003-)

Industrial Property Training Center, Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation (2002-)

IP Education(In India, 2019;In Myanmar,2020)